Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Here I Go...

I took a break from blogging for almost two years and I found that I really, really missed it. (You can find my original blog here). Writing is how I express myself best; I often have difficulty putting my thoughts into words, but writing them down is a little easier for me, if that makes sense.

I decided I wanted to start fresh with a new blog since I have taken such a long hiatus. I've titled this one "Thistles, Thorns, and the Peace in the Storm." I think it very adequately describes life on this earth, particularly as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I have endured many thorns and thistles, but I have also experienced great peace. As I walk each day growing in my relationship with the Lord, I am amazed at the peace that He gives; it is such a comfort!

Some life circumstances have challenged me recently to examine my life, my role specifically, as a mom. I have longed to be "in ministry" for a very long time and it seemed God never opened that door for me. I found myself envious of those who were in ministry. However, God, in His goodness, used a trial to show me that my children are my greatest area of ministry. Once I saw them for who they are in the eyes of the Lord, my whole perspective changed. No longer was I "just a mom" but rather the primary example of Jesus in their lives. I have a very short window of opportunity with them, and sadly I have wasted much of it in regards to my older children. Well, I shouldn't say 'wasted' because I learned from my mistakes, but it is still time that I can never get back.

The biggest lesson I have learned over the past few months is that no matter how many times I fail as a mom, God is enough. He is enough to sustain me, He is enough to equip me. He is enough to do more than I could ask!  This particular mothering trial has brought me to a closer relationship with God the Father, and as a result, I am changing. I am changing into His image, and that is always a good thing!

Grow in grace,

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